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Self-improvement seems to have become one of the imperatives of our time. It is a word one hears often, a process in which some see the key to a better future, or a recipe for success that everyone should apply to their own lives. However, why do we talk so much about self-improvement these days?


Throughout history, mankind has always strived to improve themselves in different fields, hence self-improvement has been an important component of our lives in every period of history.

However, the rapid development of technology we are witnessing, and the way in which it changes all areas of human activity, especially business, has forced people to continuously adopt new knowledge and skills in order to remain competitive.

On the other hand, many people got too cozy enjoying the benefits of technology, so much so that at some point, they stopped developing, failing to realize their potential. Therefore, self-improvement is necessary to make use of everything life has to offer.

Technological development can be a challenge for us when it encourages us to improve ourselves, but also a trap, when it keeps us securely in our comfort zone. Maybe this is why we talk about self-improvement more than ever: it is a way to survive in the 21st century, figuratively speaking.

What does self-improvement actually mean?

Self-improvement is a rather broad term the meaning of which may differ from one individual to another, because each of us has different goals, inclinations and things we want or have to do.

However, self-improvement can be described as a process in which an individual improves themselves through the acquisition of knowledge, skills or a change of their behavioral patterns. It requires a state of mind focused on personal growth and development.

People can improve themselves in different areas, from the acquisition of new knowledge that allows professional advancement, to the adoption of new skills through hobbies that allow them to rest productively from current obligations, and finally, to the improvement of their social and spiritual self. In addition, there are different ways of self-improvement: apart from formal education, we can improve ourselves by attending different courses, learning online, reading, taking up hobbies, going to the gym, etc.

Simply put, every person strives to develop, to expand their point of view, gain new experiences and learn from it, and the resources that allow us to do that are abundant in this day and age. Hence, self-improvement means active participation in one’s life.

Whether you are gaining new knowledge that will help you have the desired career or professional advancement, or you are practicing the guitar, martial arts or dance because you enjoy it, you are improving yourself, changing from the person you used to be before that knowledge. This is how you can actually unlock new areas of your life. This is a process that provides great satisfaction by itself to the person that practices it.

However, the results of self-improvement are the thing that motivates people the most to dedicate themselves to this process. They can include: concrete and measurable things, such as acquiring new skills, career advancement, embarking on a new career, to general things that concern a person’s entire being, such as becoming a better person.

Self-improvement is a conscious process a person has control over. If you want to improve yourself and become a better person, goal setting is crucial. As for the goals, they will differ depending on the area in which you want to improve yourself.

To help you come up with some self-improvement ideas and give you inspiration for creating a self-improvement plan, we bring you a list of potential goals, depending on whether you want self-improvement at work, at school, or on a personal level. Remember, these are just some of the goals that you can expand or reduce depending on your needs.

  • Develop personal organization and time management skills
  • Raise self-awareness needed for personal growth
  • Learn new (business) skills every year
  • Improve your teamwork skills
  • Master the skills of active listening
  • Learn to communicate effectively
  • Find a fulfilling and well-paid job
  • Make good friends
  • Start a family
  • Become financially independent
  • Be socially responsible
  • Learn new hobbies
  • Eliminate every bad habit
  • Be persistent in acquiring new knowledge
  • Create a learning plan
  • Believe in your success
  • Define what kind of professional and academic future you want
  • Build self-development strategies that will help you realize that future

Types of personal growth

When it comes to personal growth, it is a broad area, so it’s not easy to define clear goals either when it comes to professional or academic self-improvement.

Not only does personal growth mean something special for every individual, in line with their worldview, desires, inclinations and ambitions, but it’s not easy to follow either. Namely, when it comes to our personal development, we may not get visible results immediately, such as a promotion at work, that would undeniably confirm we are making progress.

However, regardless of the differences between every individual, our life takes place in five areas, and we should find space for improvement in each of them that will contribute to our personal growth.

self-assured girl

Mental – Acquiring new knowledge by reading books, articles, watching documentaries, YouTube videos, attending courses – each of these activities contributes to intellectual development. If you want to develop, you need to set aside some time for these activities every week. Intellectual progress is easily transferred to other areas of life and can have a great impact on career advancement.

Social – Acquiring new skills that will allow you to navigate all types of social communication. Learning a new foreign language, practicing active listening and public speaking will improve your communication skills, and bring positive changes both in your personal and professional life.

Spiritual – Every person has something that fulfills them spiritually, makes them happy and helps them hear their inner voice. This part of our human personality is often neglected in modern times, however, if their spiritual self is underdeveloped, man’s entire being will suffer. This is why it is good to dedicate time to the things that concern your inner being.

Emotional – This is a very important part of everyone’s life, and to have balanced self-improvement, we must not neglect it. Reflecting on one’s feelings, discussing them, finding ways to express them, keeping a diary, etc. can impact our emotional growth and development.

Physical – This area involves taking care of one’s health, because good health is the basis of every success. Therefore, a healthy and balanced diet, regular and moderate exercise, enough sleep and building healthy habits are the basic ways for achieving physical improvement.

10 keys to self-improvement

To improve yourself, you need to adopt certain habits, worldviews and approaches to life that will put you on the path of continuous improvement. We bring you some tips that are key to personal development and ways to improve yourself.

1. Choose progress, not stagnation

Make the decision that you want to make progress in life, regardless of the area. Once you are on this path, you will do everything in your power to achieve self-improvement.

2. Seize the moment

The best time to start was yesterday. The next best time is now. So, don’t put off your improvement, start now and don’t wait for tomorrow.

3. Be prepared to be a beginner over and over again

Jordan Peterson said that if you aren’t willing to be a fool, you can’t become a master. People who make progress are people who are ready to learn. This means that they are not afraid, or embarrassed to be beginners at something. They don’t care where they start from, but where they want to go, and they do everything to achieve their goals. So, always learn, because there are so many things you don’t know, but which can change your life and worldview.

4. Progress is not the same as satisfaction

Although progress brings exceptional results and great satisfaction in the long run, the path toward it is often difficult. So, don’t give up if you run into an obstacle, or if you need more effort to achieve something. It can be hard to acquire a new skill, but once you master it, you will see it was worth it. Remember: those who settle become stagnant, and those who don’t rest on their laurels, make progress. So, nurture your hunger for success.

5. Make use of the resources of the new age

Information is more accessible now than ever before. That means that you can learn more easily than ever before, so use the benefits of the new age and try to maintain a continuity of learning regardless of the area in question.

6. Focus

To make progress, you need to be organized. This means that you have to identify areas in which you want to achieve self-improvement, and work on them. Don’t waste your energy and focus on too many projects at once, none of which you will manage to complete. Instead, focus your attention and time on as many projects as you are able to complete, and press forward.

7. Improvement requires a plan

Make your self-improvement plan. It can be a weekly, monthly or an annual (even multiannual) plan. Define what you want to accomplish and what actions you need to take.

8. Be prepared for sacrifices

Ironically, success and self-improvement demand sacrifice. This means that your free time must be dedicated to advancement, not playing video games, or aimless scrolling through social media.

9. Check the knowledge you are acquiring

Acquiring new knowledge is great, but you must always be aware how it fits into your improvement plan. So, check if the knowledge you are acquiring can be applied in an area that you consider important for your life.

10. Adopt positive psychology

Instead of focusing on the negative, try to focus your attention on positive things. Praise yourself, celebrate small successes, set attainable goals and continuously strive toward your goal step by step.

Self-improvement habits

Personal growth, professional development and self-improvement are processes that you can control and plan. And while there is no universal recipe that is applicable to all, the truth is that you can adopt good habits that will change your life for the better and help you achieve your goals.

Therefore, organization, routine and discipline are extremely important for the growth and development of every individual. Actions you implement in your daily life will aggregate into big changes.

Here are some of the habits you can adopt to make sure you stay on the path of self-improvement:

  • Plan ahead. Create different short-term and long-term plans so that you know where you are at any time, and where you want to go.
  • Monitor plan fulfillment. Ask yourself every day what you did to make your plan come true, and that way, you will have an idea of how close you are to success. In addition, at the end of the week, month or year, be honest with yourself and admit whether you achieved the specified plan or not.
  • Be prepared to change your plans if necessary. Although necessary and useful, plans are one, and reality is something else entirely. Therefore, if you see your plan is not realistic, or if your desires have changed, reach for plan B, or modify the existing plan.
  • Build work habits. It is very important that you don’t let yourself drown in apathy and lethargy. No matter how hard things may be, try to keep an eye on clearly defined daily challenges and overcome them.
  • Don’t be afraid to try something new. You probably already know the saying that if you always do the same thing, you will always achieve the same result. To improve yourself and grow as a person, you need to leave your comfort zone and learn new things. So, be open-minded, brave and smart, because change is always an option.
  • Keep a journal of personal progress. In it, you can record your goals, results, and share your thoughts, give vent to your emotions, talk to yourself.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Reach out to other people, seek new knowledge, opinions, experiences, don’t be afraid to ask for advice, it isn’t a sign of weakness, but of your readiness to learn and grow.
  • Define what you (don’t) want. To move toward a goal, we must know what we don’t want, in addition to what we do want. This will give you control over your experience and help you filter the information that reaches you. Simply put, you will know what’s useful to you and what isn’t.
  • Look up to the best. Listening to other people’s success stories will not only keep you motivated and give you valuable lessons, but will also guide you to look up to the best and aim for the sky.

Allison Academy nurtures the value of self-improvement

Students of Allison Academy acquire many of the key skills for the 21st century through interactive classes, and regular curricular and extracurricular activities. One of them is the uncompromising focus on personal development and self-improvement. By encouraging students to explore and adopt new knowledge on their own, continuously stepping out of their comfort zone, we help them to become the best version of themselves, and to prepare for achieving the highest academic and professional goals.

Enroll your child at Allison Academy and enable them to adopt the habits and mindset of a winner.

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