How to increase memory power in students
There are numerous factors that affect children’s performance at school, one of the most basic principles being that successful learning is impossible without good memory habits. Since, learning and memory go hand in hand knowledge application, critical thinking and problem solving, and everything that is crucial for successful learning depends on knowledge retention.

Therefore, it is important to pay special attention to ways of increasing memory power in students, in addition to improving other academic skills, because, just like other skills important for academic success, memory can be trained as well.
Here are some important tips on how to increase remembrance/remembering and boost brain power.
What type of memory is best for learning?
Memory storage is divided into long-term and short-term memory. Short-term memory includes all the information that gets transferred to long-term memory after a while, or completely forgotten. For example, when you send your child to the shop, they can memorize all the items they should buy. However, after the shopping is done, the list is no longer necessary and can be forgotten. Long-term memory, on the other hand, includes information that stays with us for days, years, or our whole life. For example, the child will never forget how to ride a bicycle, swim, and they will also remember the first day of school or a particularly memorable vacation their whole life.
Storing needed information into long-term memory is crucial for learning.
How to increase brain power for study
Although many students sometimes complain that their memory power is not sufficiently developed, the problem actually lies in the lack of concentration, focus, and dedication. In today’s digital world with a variety of social media, the amount of information that our brain processes on a daily basis is enormous, so it is no wonder that an optimal state for learning is hard to achieve.
Although the human brain is still pretty much an uncharted territory, what we do know about it is that it is possible to increase brain power which leads to better memory power and more successful learning.
The following small changes in one’s daily routine can significantly affect memory and the mind:
1. Good sleep
Many parents are aware that a good night’s sleep is very important for their child. Science has determined that sleep not only prevents our brain from forgetting things, but it also helps it to remember. Namely, one study showed that people who slept for 8 hours after learning memorized things better than those who did not sleep at all. Simply put, sleep resets our brain in a manner of speaking, allowing it to rest and preventing brain cells from becoming overloaded.
Although many view afternoon naps as shirking one’s duties and procrastination, they actually significantly affect memory: a study showed that sleeping 45 to 60 minutes after learning something new strengthens memory up to five times. So, if they are practiced correctly and in moderation, daily naps can be used to improve learning.
2. Rest
Learning a new skill demands focus, concentration, and dedication, but also rest and moments in which the brain can relax. Rest allows the brain to remain fresh, process new information, and store it in the memory.
Thus, learning should be followed by a few minutes of mediation or rest, deep breathing and relaxation. This way new knowledge and facts will have enough time to ‘settle’ and the brain will be refreshed for new learning sessions.
3. Physical activity
Good exercise, especially outdoors, such as running or playing different sports, greatly improves the brain’s memory capacity. In order for our brain to work properly it needs oxygen, physical exercise increases our oxygen supply and blood flow to the brain.
4. Healthy diet
Simply put, the human body is like a machine, and the brain is one of its most complex mechanisms. So, in order to function properly, the body and the brain need fuel, in this case quality food, which means food rich in nutrients that maintain stable energy levels, improve concentration and provide all the necessary elements. Students should eat enough vegetables, fruit, good fats, fish, and meat.
5. Playing an instrument
Playing any instrument is not just fun, but also healthy and valuable training for the brain. Scientists have determined that playing an instrument improves memory, because it requires the use of both brain hemispheres.
Exercises that boost memory
In addition to the aforementioned ways to increase brain power, there are also various direct ways to improve memory power, including educational games and techniques that activate different memory stages and help keep our memory ‘in shape’.
Matching pairs
This game involves well-known decks of cards consisting of pairs of cards with images of animals, numbers, letters or objects.
How to play: Shuffle the deck and place the cards on the table face down. Players choose two cards each, and if they find a matching pair, they choose more cards, and if not, the cards are returned to their original position, and the next player chooses two cards. This game develops memory, because players have to remember where they saw which card, thus matching all pairs.
They can also play a game where they need to find the missing card: Five cards are laid down on the table. The player has to memorize all five, as well as the order in which they were laid. The second player then takes the cards, shuffles them, and returns four cards to the table. The first player has to find out which card is missing.
Playing educational video games
Video games are not just good fun and a way to kill time since there are various educational games that help students nurture and strengthen different skills and improve memory. Students should be encouraged to play logical video games, and assemble puzzles.
Memory through visualization
Information from the textbook is best memorized if students build notions and representations about it in their head. For example, if we have a lesson on historical figures, the student may make a play about them, visit a museum, or research places where certain historical events took place.
Memory should be trained our whole life
If they make an effort to increase memory power, students will be able to achieve better grades.
However, just as learning should become a lifelong activity, people should also keep training their memory even after completing formal education, and one of the best ways to do it is by being open for new experiences and new learning opportunities, an education at Allison Academy provides just such comprehensive opportunities for growth and advancement